Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Nutcracker

Olivia and I went to The Nutcracker ballet a few weeks ago. It was fun dressing up and going with her three little friends. My friend Molly brought her 2 1/2 year old, Gillian, and my friend Christy took her 4 year old, Samantha. The girls were enamored with the ballerinas. Just a tip, though, if you ever decide to go watch The Nutcracker--find out what it's about before you're there. Molly, Christy, and I had no clue what was going on until someone explained it for us during the intermission. By the end, the girls were tired, shoes were coming off, and hair-dos were coming unraveled. But all in all, it was a fun experience for all of us. Olivia and I took a purse because we had to have our lip 'glass.'

Josh has a shoe infatuation. If he ever is without shoes or socks, he will let you know. His favorite shoes are his camo crocs, but on this day, he found Daddy's hiking boots. Look at that grin!

Josh has gotten brave. One day I was folding laundry in the living room and I looked up and he was on top of our (tall) kitchen table. He's a little monkey. In this picture, he's just playing with his booster seat in his diaper and hiking boots.

Yes, those are Olivia's glasses.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Dora and Boots

Are you noticing a theme? It seems as though Dora and Boots have occupied a lot of space on this blog. Well, Dora visited the mall in Billings on the day after Thanksgiving, so I took Olivia to see her. She was thrilled, even though Dora didn't talk. Olivia asked if Dora was going to go back into the tv after she left the mall. It was a fun trip for the two of us. We got a lot of Christmas shopping done that day too. Thankfully Mom kept Josh so we didn't have to brave the day in Billings with Mr. Busy.